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Multicultural Campaign Against Elder Abuse

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City and County of San Francisco,

Office of the District Attorney

Multicultural Campaign to Prevent & Report Abuse of Elders

Transportation shelters, community posters (multi-language)

We strategized, planned, and created cross-cultural outreach advertising designed to promote education, awareness, accountability, and reduce violence and acts of intimidation toward seniors in San Francisco.

We produced this original creative concept in English, Spanish and Chinese. For the sake of economy and maximum impact, we focused on a single campaign message: encourage / support seniors to report crimes and access neighborhood services. We did this through illuminated bus shelters in locations that aligned with each of the demographics.

We developed a media plan and ran the campaign in November and December 2021 for the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office.

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Slower Streets for Pedestrian Safety (multi-language)

Street banners, print ads, social media

With fatalities and injuries increasing, the San Francisco District Attorney’s office wanted to launch a Senior Pedestrian Safety Campaign to get drivers to slow down for seniors. Using both organic and paid advertising, the campaign reflected our creative and messaging, a one month content calendar, in English, Spanish and Chinese. OOH, digital, pole posters and print were also created for later use. The campaign attracted over 12,000 Facebook post engagements and 19,000 Twitter clicks in 4 weeks.

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Prevent Worker's Comp Insurance Fraud — One Lie, We All Pay (multi-language)

Transportation posters, printed brochures, posters, social media

Our creative campaign for the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office to fight Workers’ Compensation Insurance fraud launched in 2019 with bright transportation advertising messages. We needed people’s attention because this fraud steals from workers, employers, and taxpayers, and ends up costing consumers between $1 and $3 billion a year in California alone according to government estimates. We expressed our message through transportation advertising, bi fold brochures and posters in English, Chinese, and Spanish too.



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